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Getting Started

Install Package

Data is sent to Shellviz using the Javascript or Python packages. These can be installed using npm or pip

pip install shellviz

Initialize a Shellviz instance

Import and create a new instance of Shellviz. This will create a new channel for you to send data to

import Shellviz from shellviz sv = Shellviz()

Send data to Shellviz

Now we can send data to Shellviz. We use the `visualize` method to send data to Shellviz. This method takes two arguments: the data to send, and an optional type argument. The type argument can be used to explicity set the visualization type. If no type is provided, Shellviz will try to figure out the best way to display your data.

sv.visualize('hello world')

Shellviz will always try to figure out the best way of displaying your data, but if you want you can explicity set the visualization #[em type].

sv.visualize([0,2,3,4], type='chart')

And of course, you can visualize variables in your code. This can be very helpful when debugging or creating data visualization/manipulation scripts.

user = {'name': 'Jane Smith', 'age': 31} sv.visualize(user)
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